nourished by neeve

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what should i eat?

we live in a world where information is constantly shoved down our throats. some of us may also feel pressured by this information that we need to look a certain way and a lot of times this ‘look’ we are trying to achieve is promised to us if we live a lifestyle full of dieting, restriction and ignoring our bodies natural cues.

it is important to understand that skinny is not always equal to healthy and that good nutrition is not always correlated with aesthetics. as a future professional in the field of dietetics and nutrition, i hope that we as a society can learn to value good health over aesthetics. nutrition is personal. every single one of us is living in their own, unique body that has its own needs. honoring your body will always be the better investment than chasing after an aesthetic.

so then, what SHOULD you eat? and how can you create a lifestyle that is healthy, not restricted or focused around food and lets you enjoy the things you love?

these are the questions that go through my mind before i sit down for a meal or snack.

( i want to start this post out by reminding any one on here that i am not a dietitian (yet) and am not qualified to give anyone specific recommendations on how they should eat. this post is in response to many encounters i have had ( either personally or with friends ) wanting to be skinny, suffering on a low cal diet just so they can look a certain way, or even those being told by others that they should be smaller. )

  1. how hungry am i? / how are my blood sugar levels?

    • eating according to hunger levels is so important. your body is smart - if it’s hungry feed it. when it’s full, it’s full. some days we will be hungrier that others and we will eat more ( and that’s OK )

    • for diabetics, your blood sugar level can easily tell you what you need to eat. high? pick a low carb option with a protein and fat. low? get some simple sugars in you quick to raise your glucose levels ( this is why i always have gummy bears in my purse. diabetic ‘medicine’)

  2. what have i eaten so far today?

    • being mindful of what you are putting in your body is crucial to maintaining a healthy diet. i am not saying that we all need to be meticulously counting calories (although if that works for you, that’s awesome) but being aware of the general nutrient quality of the foods you are consuming will really help in making healthy choices throughout the day.

    • if i had a fat-heavy breakfast, i will make sure that my next meal is more focused around lean proteins and complex carbohydrates. if i skimped out on protein for most of the day, i will be sure to consume a protein rich meal before the end of the day.

  3. have i eaten my fruits / veggies today?

    • always make sure you are consuming fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. fruits and veggies provide us with many important vitamins and minerals that are essential in metabolism and overall health and wellbeing.

  4. am i training today? did i train today?

    • i tend to eat the same ration of P/F/C on a daily basis, however if i trained hard already that day i will make sure that my protein levels are up to help with recovery. if i have a hard training session coming up later, i will make sure to consume carbohydrates before hand to ensure my energy levels are stable.

  5. how do i feel?

    • get to know your body. know how different foods react with it. there will be foods you consume that make you feel great, while others will do the opposite (like if you are lactose intolerant and eat a cone of ice cream) having patience alongside listening to and trusting your body is a beautiful thing.