holiday eating tips

welcome to the time of the year where food is the center of everything.

I know that a lot of us worry about gaining weight over the holiday season. get togethers with friends, catching up with family members, and even office parties are full of all your favorite cookies, cheeses and beverages. if you’re worried about staying ‘on track’, I can guarantee that you are not alone here.

  1. do not restrict or “save calories”

    • ‘saving’ calories for a later time can lead to overeating as a result of hunger. eat when you are hungry, as this will prevent you from overeating later on.

  2. it is not all or nothing

    • you can eat a cookie without ruining your health goals. just because you ate one or two does not mean that you have ruined your goals. enjoy the cookie and move on

  3. practice mindfulness

    • pay attention to what you are eating and drinking

  4. hydrate

    • staying hydrated is super important for a variety of reasons, and even more so when we are eating and drinking out of our normal routine.

  5. plan ahead

    • if you know you will be eating a lot of cheese and wine - fat and carbs - at an event one night, plan on consuming enough protein early on in the day to balance out your day. ( for more clarification on planning macros, contact me )

  6. enjoy. this is one time of the year, focus on who you’re with and not how many cookies you ate.

    • in a few years, you probably will not care about what you were eating during this time. focus on the memories you are creating and not the food consumed.


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